Swinger Podcast

Tag: desireresort

Singapore Sexology with Dr Martha Lee – P44

In this episode we chat with a bonifide Sexologist right here in Singapore Asia! Ever wondered what other cultures think about sex, masturbation and the big ‘O’? Join us as we talk through some of the things that impact local cultures from experiencing more in the bedroom, what do you think locals would think of…
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hotwife lifestyle

P43 – The 12 Ways of Getting into C’s Pants

Given all the problems we have been having attracting single guy lately D decided it was time to give them some tips!
You can ride along with me as I hear D’s ways to get into my pants and for all you lads out there, LISTEN IN!! 🙂

C Caught Between a Rock and a D – P42

Hey there sexy listeners, Thanks for tuning in, we are excited to update you on what we have been up to lately as we swing our way around the world and take our adventures across multiple countries.  What are we discussing today? It’s been a whirlwind trip to Manila and we have some exciting news…
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