Swinger Podcast

P41 – Thriller in Manila

P41 – Thriller in Manila

We travel to Manila and meet some sexy friends, C talks on “her” problem with guys and we discuss the issues we are having with couples and singles in the lifestyle.  We also compare the time we have spent with singles and couples…

We also make some pretty cool announcements but I wont spoil those for you here!!

Swing Soon,
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Swinging Downunder
P41 - Thriller in Manila


2 Responses

  1. Robert & Shari says:

    Could you send us the name of the swinger’s site in the UK (not SDC) that you mentioned on the Manila episode that you thought was good for meeting swingers in other countries? You both said the name at the same time so it got muffled. We didn’t see it mentioned in your show notes. Thanks so much!

  2. The Naughties says:

    We have to leave a comment to this episode… touches a few issues that are close to home. We could identify with the issues raised by C about having a series of “failures”.

    We’re not super experienced even though we have played for quite a few years now. We have played with single guys almost exclusively for most of that time. Well apart from that time at Desire… oh and that spectacular date just the other night!

    Anyway during our time we have certainly found our fair share of that anti-super power of making a hard cock go soft. Much more an issue for us with single guys than those in a couple. And it has many times had the effect of us being very close to walking away from the search for what works. But, we have had a few spectacular successes, a couple of successes and a bunch of mild to spectacular failures. Intellectually we know that the threesome scenario with a couple with a very strong relationship would be very daunting and could be expected to result in performance issues. But the emotional side of things, even for a confident woman, can have impact on self esteem. Of course the question arises very quickly as to why we would continue with something that impacts self esteem.

    Welllll the recent spectacular success is certainly putting the balance back in things. That opportunity to meet a couple who you like on an intellectual and sexual level, socialise and then get off with; that’s pretty attractive. We like some naughty things in our life and persisting and exploring and growing has finally resulted in the opportunity to achieve all those things. Along the way we have explored and grown, now we can enjoy the naughty.

    There’s no doubt this a issue for many, but when it does happen to you it becomes personal very quickly. This sounds awful but it is instructive to hear even the spectacularly hot C has failures. That reassurance from multiple places that it isn’t your issue is good reinforcement.

    No doubt you two will jump out of the rut, you’ve got the emotional intelligence to work through the issue. That and you know the pay off is worth the effort.

    Thanks for posting about the hard stuff too, it wouldn’t be as real if you didn’t broach these subjects! Look forward to the podcasts of the successes just over the horizon.

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