How are Swingers and Lifestylers dealing with ‘The New Normal’ of COVID19?

What will the future hold for swingers, events, dates, and the lifestyle in general is absolutely on the forefront of many people’s minds right now. It is being discussed on social media, blogs, tweets, in forums, in private communities. There is no doubt that COVID-19 presents challenges for us all in 2020 and beyond.
How are swingers dealing with the lifestyle right now?
Some swingers have remarked that their sex life is similar (some even reporting a higher sex drive) as it was pre-covid (PC) whilst others have noticed a significant drop in their sexual drive.
We’ve certainly noticed a downward trend of engagement of sexual interaction at all levels; podcast stats are down globally, more so for sex positive podcasts, we’re receiving fewer messages on dating websites around the world and even fewer messages from our lifestyle friends than pre-covid.
Media consumption is changing — Spotify’s total music streams are globally down by 11.4% last week, say MBW. In Italy, where the effects of the virus has been strongest, music streaming is down by 33% since Feb 7th
Most podcasts are seeing drops in consumption of about 20%
People have other things on their mind, they’re thinking about their home life, their jobs, health concerns, financial issues and more, it is no surprise that the libido has taken a hit (us included).
Others are excited to get back into the swing of things and are gagging for the boarders to open so they can hang out with friends or visit their favourite clubs.
We were recently talking with fellow content creators Sex Uninterrupted Podcast about the challenges we will face as a community moving forward and they asked “what will be different?”
What are some of the things concerning swingers about the future?
We have received countless emails, DM’s on social media and remarks on our podcast website about the lifestyle. Here’s the common threads of concerns;
- Swinging will never be the same again
- Business’s (clubs, events, and private parties) will be fewer as the quality organizers cease operations and make way for a ‘grittier’ version due to necessity.
- People fear the health risks involved and are seeking ways to be safer; people are talking about having health conversations that are broader than just the last STi check
- Strict regulations on social gatherings with rules such as keeping parties small, door checks, health declarations and group playrooms banned
- Anger that this has impacted their holidays, swingcations and opportunities for play
So how do we move forward when the lifestyle is currently so fundamentally changed for us all. Will things go back to normal?
There is no doubt that the road will be long and rough for the lifestyle, whilst some couples might jump back in the waters, others may take a more delicate approach. The lifestyle industry will be affected in the same way that other entertainment venues / holidays and cruises are impacted.
Swingers are already taking risks with STi’s, this is just another test people will be taking if COVID is here to stay, there will be no change to the lifestyle
~ Texas Concerned Swinger
Physical distancing is not exactly a part of the swinging mantra and many clubs and parties aren’t equipped at managing this new normal.
With certain areas of the world opening its boarders and clubs/events open their doors to patrons it is hard to say how the impact will be to our way of lifestyle. For some perhaps there will be no changes at all, for others, this might be a new question to add into your sexual health discussions before play.
Our Predictions for the future of Swinging
For swingers who do not tend to frequent the lifestyle clubs, swingers resorts or hotel takeovers might not be as impacted as those that thrive on this kind of environment.
I personally love getting out and meeting groups of other lifestyle people, I thrive on the environment and being able to connect and meet multiple people in one night / weekend (thus a greater chance of connecting with that likeminded couple or person). I’ve had 3 swingers events already cancelled for 2020 including personal holidays I’ve been waiting 12 months to take, I’m eager to get out and meet with people.
Some people might be more likely to stick to double dating or continue to holiday / play with their inner circle of close swinger friends.
- House parties and smaller parties will be favored over larger events for a while
- Event owners will need to look at insurance and adding policies to their websites, ticket terms etc
- Informal Meet and Greets will get a good gathering of people and end up with waiting lists
- Conversations around travel and health will be as normal as STi discussions
- People will be eager to get out and enjoy the lifestyle as soon as they feel comfortable.
- There will be an increase of travel notifications and hot dates on lifestyle websites for the next 3 months as people favour smaller meetings
- Resorts like Desire will get an initial influx of overbookings once they open their doors again especially the smaller property like Desire Pearl / RM
A friend of ours believes that only positive things can come of a post-covid world, they recently wrote a fantastic guest blog for our website
As more people try out the lifestyle and have a positive experience, regardless if they decide to continue or not, they will have a better glimpse of what the lifestyle is about. People will learn it’s not a sex-filled free for all (unless they’re into that). Rather, they will see empowered women, observe a supportive environment no matter the body type, and will appreciate the openness with how everyone interacts just to name a few attributes. Hopefully, some will discover just how positive, caring, and respectful the people in the community are and change their view about the lifestyle. In time, swinging can become more mainstream and accepted.
~ Mr WhoKnows
How do you think the lifestyle will change, adapt or be different (if at all?)
We would love to hear your thoughts. Drop us an email to let us know how Swingers and Lifestylers are dealing with COVID19?
Note: we understand that the COVID situation is an emotional topic for many of us right now, we ask that you please be considerate when responding to this post. Whilst our views might differ from yours, we do value your input and respect your opinions.